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Science World

74 подписчика

Biological error occurs in two-thirds of cancer cases

Biological error occurs in two-thirds of cancer cases

  Image source   Scientists have found that two-thirds of cancers of various types can be produced as a result of random mutations and not heredity or bad habits In general, they attributed 65 percent of cancer cases in the random mutations in genes that can promote cancer growth.

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it couldn't possibly be all the chemicals added to our food, our water, our bodies, our air. in our clothes, in our mattresses, in our couches, our carpets. you know it mutates our cells. that is why you keep doing it. so the doctors and voodoo scientists can make money for the pharmaceutical and death industry.
Before Newton law of motion, apple's falling from the tree was believed in either random event or controlled by god, After 348 years later, this study suggested almost nothing except that cancers are major random event. Human knowledge in Cancer Biology is several hundred years behind Physics

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