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12 подписчиков

This Is the Best Way to Turn Your Knack For Capturing Amazing Moments Into International Recognition

This Is the Best Way to Turn Your Knack For Capturing Amazing Moments Into International Recognition

By Jack Day At some point we all want to be validated in life.  Whether it is a simple compliment on your hard work or an award and all expense paid trip to a foreign country that gets you going, we all need a little recognition.

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It was very nice to lose myself in these images and to read the interesting stories behind them. I admire the passion for their art that these photographers possess. It truly shows in their work. These photos are all great, but if I HAD to choose a winner, I would pick Camping on the Diving Board. The stars just look so magical there. I had no idea that such a place existed...and it's right here in the USA!
Owen Stone
damn, those are some really amazing shots.

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