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Jennifer Lopez: I've "Made Mistakes" With Men, My Kids Stay in the Bronx With Family So They "Get It"

Jennifer Lopez: I've "Made Mistakes" With Men, My Kids Stay in the Bronx With Family So They "Get It"

Jennifer Lopez opened up to Elle UK about making mistakes in the past with her ex-boyfriends and husbands, yet she still believes her true love exists: "The nirvana man, he's out there somewhere.

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Katy Thompson
That does not kill us makes us stronger.
Richard Stone
The best we can do is learn from our mistakes? She has been engaged/married/divorced A LOT!! The woman can literally not be alone:( Jlo needs to remember that her boyfriends/husbands/fiancees WILL come and go, but her children are forever:)
Often times life lessons are cross generational and is a family pattern. Parents' lessons are also kids' lessons.

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