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Science World

74 подписчика

500,000-Year-Old Homo erectus Engraving Discovered

500,000-Year-Old Homo erectus Engraving Discovered

While cataloging hundreds of freshwater mussel shells collected at the end of the 19th century by the Dutch anatomist and geologist Eugene Dubois – the discoverer of Java man, the first known fossil of Homo erectus – on the banks of the Bengawan Solo river in East Java, Prof Roebroeks and his colleagues noticed that one of the specimens was engraved.

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Kevin Kern
clam shells were the first doodle pads. art came first.
these seem to be the letters M, I, H, N from right to left, all straight lines some at an angle - must have been an early form of counting.
His girlfriend's name was Mimi, he went to scratch it in the shell, and misspelled it, through the shell away. Now they have to find Mimi's grave site if any, to find her shell.

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