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Rossana Vanoni

12 подписчиков

This Top Though!

This Top Though!

This Madewell top has been on heavy rotation lately (I should do 3 ways how to wear it, right?) Well I had just shaved my legs (‘cause why would I wear pants on shaved legs you know) so I was excited to wear a skirt, and guess what top came to mind? Yep, this one.

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Owen Stone
That's a very versatile top, you know If I remember correctly you also had a post about a skirt lengthening piece the other day. I think that piece would also work with this top. I can definitely see you wearing this in more than just three way. Keep up the awesome work, love your style.
Anna K
Yes, this top was worth another feature! You've come up with another great look for it. I love it with the neutral bag and quirky bracelets. Thanks for the inspiration today!
It looks very Indian/Middle Eastern inspired. It's a pretty top, but I would only wear it for a special occasion. I feel prints like this are a bit busy for every day wear.

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