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5 Habits to be happier in midlife & beyond

Embarking on the journey to happiness in midlife, I’ve learned something crucial: your external appearance is just a tiny piece of the puzzle. It’s not the anti-aging creams, Botox shots, or cosmetic surgery that shape our happiness. What counts above all is the attitude we carry within us.

Mental, physical and emotional benefits of gardening in midlife

Gardening has become a vital part of my lifestyle, especially in midlife and beyond, offering significant physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Living in Florida, I have the luxury of tending to my garden year-round, avoiding the intense summer heat that can make outdoor activities challenging.

7 Happiness hacks for busy women

Authentic happiness is not linked to an activity, it is a state of being. – Matthiew Ricard Can you be happy, or at least joyful, no matter what is going on in your life? I believe you can. And no, I certainly don’t feel joyous all of the time. Yes, I’ve had my share of challenges,

Angler Attitude Makes a Difference

This is a fascinating piece by Kent Klewein over at Gink & Gasoline. In it, he argues that an angler’s attitude can make a difference when the fishing gets really tough. Does it really make a difference in your success if you’re more positive about the tough times on the water? Read more to
✔️🙌Встречай новый аромат #Avon #Petit #Attitude #Bee с изысканной свежей нотой помело, цветками апельсина🍊 и манящим медовым нектаром!🌸 Это невероятное сочетания сделает каждый день слаще!
📌Тип аромата: цветочный с нотой "гурмэ"

🎵Ноты: помело в сахаре, апельсиновый цвет, медовый

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