На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

BOE Keeps Rates Unchanged But Edges Closer To Cutting As Deputy Governor Calls For Easing

BOE Keeps Rates Unchanged But Edges Closer To Cutting As Deputy Governor Calls For Easing With both the Swiss SNB and Swedish Riksbank recently starting rate cuts, many were wondering if the BOE would be next to join the easing cycle. And while it did not, instead keeping rates

BOE Surprises Markets By Keeping Rates Unchanged For The First Time In Two Years

BOE Surprises Markets By Keeping Rates Unchanged For The First Time In Two Years One day after the Fed kept rates unchanged in what multiple banks said cemented the end of the Fed's hiking cycle, and just a few hours after the Swiss franc tumbled when the SNB unexpectedly also kept

BOE Hikes 25bps In Three Way Split, Keeps Forward Guidance For More Hikes

BOE Hikes 25bps In Three Way Split, Keeps Forward Guidance For More Hikes With the market split ahead of today's BOE decision whether the central bank would hike 25 or 50bps (markets priced in a 1-in-3 chances of another 50 basis point jump following last month's 50bps hike), moments

BOE Shocks Markets With Surprise 50bps Rate Hike In Crusade Against Red Hot Inflation

BOE Shocks Markets With Surprise 50bps Rate Hike In Crusade Against Red Hot Inflation Extending Thursday's central bank tightening barrage, which saw rate hikes from the likes of Switzerland, Norway and Turkey, moments ago the BOE shocked markets with a bigger-than-expected half-point

Pound Tumbles After BOE Hikes 50bps In 7-2 Vote, Signals Pause At Lower Rate Of 4%

Pound Tumbles After BOE Hikes 50bps In 7-2 Vote, Signals Pause At Lower Rate Of 4% In the first of two big central bank decisions today, moments ago the Bank of England hiked by 50bps - as expected - raising the overnight rate for a 10th time to 4%... ... in a 7-2 vote (the two

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