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Олени превращаются в зомби: опасный вирус поразил США

Крайне опасный вирус заражает оленей на территории США и ученые считают, что он может перейти на людей. Симптомы весьма напоминают бешенство, которое без своевременного вмешательства приводит к смерти. Этот странный и страшный вирус был впервые открыт в 1967 году. Вспышки так называемой

CWD Spreads South in Virginia

The Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources (DWR) says a deer killed last season in southwestern Montgomery County tested positive for Chronic Wasting Disease. The discovery was made by a taxidermist that participates in the state’s CWD surveillance program, and was confirmed by the department

CWD: Transporting Game Across State Lines – Eastmans’ Official Blog | Mule Deer, Antelope, Elk Hunting and Bowhunting Magazine

So you finally get to go on your long awaited western big game hunt AND you’re successful, congratulations but you may not be out of the woods just yet. Are you CWD savvy? In other words, do you know the rules and regulations surrounding one of the hottest topics in hunting today regarding the

The Dangers Of CWD, The Zombie Deer Disease That Could Spread To Humans – How Hunters Can Protect Themselves

Via Pixabay Attention hunters, if you plan on bagging a buck beware. There is a disease called zombie deer disease and it is spreading at an alarming rate in the United States and Canada. Scientists are concerned that the zombie deer disease could spread to humans. Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)

There Is A Wildlife Zombie Disease That Could Spread To Humans, And There Is No Cure

Well, son of a buck! There is a bizarre disease ravaging over the half the United States right now, one found mainly among the deer population that is apparently so vicious it is producing a zombie-like level of craziness in Bambi that falls more in line with the actions of a meth’d out stripper

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