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#Cat Toys

This Company Makes Cardboard Tanks, Planes And Houses For Cats, And Your Master Needs Them Right Meow!

Tank House source Airplane House source Fire Engine House source Scratching Deck source Scratching Laptop source Catillac House source Kitty Teepee source

Human Builds A Dragon-Shaped Cardboard House For His Cat In Order To Please His Master

One creative guy named Sam just took cardboard cat houses to the next level. Inspired by his beloved kitty Denni, the entire thing is made out of cardboard and held by hot glue. “I love making things, especially out of cardboard. My cat also loves cardboard and I love my cat,” Sam writes on his

7 Cardboard Cat Houses Inspired By Famous Architectural Landmarks

As any cat owner will tell you, cats love cardboard boxes. Buy them a new bed and they’ll sleep in the cardboard box it came from. Buy them a new scratching post and they’ll shred the cardboard box instead. Why? Because cats are hard-wired to be ungrateful. However, if you want to trick your cat

The Potential Dangers of Cat Toys

Cats have a natural playfulness that's simply irresistible to encourage. And if we don't give them toys to play with, many cats will grow bored and restless. Or they might even find their own fun and leave you a mess of torn-up toilet paper on the bathroom floor. Unfortunately, we have to be very

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