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6 Arrests, Broken Window Highlight UCONN National Championship Celebration

The UCONN basketball team picked up a second consecutive national championship on Monday by taking down Purdue, 75-60. Giving a sense of deja vu to NCAA Tournament foes, the Huskies ripped off six straight double-digit wins in a successful title defense. But that wasn’t the only way in which

Incognito ASU Students Filled UCONN’s Section While Wearing Husky Gear As UCONN Failed To Fill Seats

The UCONN basketball team capped the 2024 season with a second straight national championship, beating Purdue in the title game 75-60. As it turns out, a number of Arizona State supporters were able to witness that win in person while Husky fans watched from Connecticut. UCONN didn’t fill its

What To Wear With A Todd Snyder + Champion Turtleneck Sweatshirt

Champion’s partnership with Todd Snyder has led to what feels like a decade of producing only the best All-American, pre-Ivy garments. Today, we’re pairing an outfit around this timeless turtleneck sweatshirt. The TS + Champion Turtleneck comes in a number of colors, but we’re digging this

What To Wear With Easymoc Extra-Lite Leather Slip-Ons

Easymoc taps into classic New England footwear in many of their best-selling styles. With the Easymoc Extra-Lite, the brand has created a hybrid of camp slipper and leather mocasin. While the design is entirely unique, the attention to detail in materials used is what makes the Easymoc so dang

What To Wear With Todd Snyder + Champion Utility Cargo Sweatpants

When it comes to classic American sportswear, Champion hangs with the best of them. The brand’s partnership with Todd Snyder has led to what feels like a decade of producing only the best All-American, pre-Ivy garments. We’re putting together an outfit with these warm Todd Snyder + Champion

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