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World Record Blackfin Tuna Caught During 25th Annual Miami Dolphins Fishing Tournament

Jimmy Johnson and the Miami Dolphins held the 25th annual Fins Weekend this past weekend and this year’s fishing tournament made history when angler Bob Kowalski reeled in an IGFA fishing world record for blackfin tuna. The previous IGFA fishing world record for blackfin tuna was a 49 pound, 6

Fisherman Catches Rare Piebald Lemon Shark That Looks Like A Marshmallow Dropped In Dirt

A fisherman in Captiva, Florida who specializes in catching sharks recently reeled in one of the rarest specimens caught in the Sunshine State this year, a beautiful piebald lemon shark with a unique pigmentation. Piebaldism is very rare in nature. The occurrence of it is rare but even more so,

Your Next Summer Fishing Trip Starts With This Fishing And Outdoor Apparel From Orvis

Where will find yourself this summer? A crowded beach? A popular tourist destination? Do yourself a favor, skip all of that, and find yourself in a peaceful corner of the world in the great outdoors. Go for a long hike, set up the perfect campsite, and find some serenity by the water with a little

Fishermen Encounter A Great White Shark The Size Of A Whale Right Next To Their Boat

Fishermen out of Port Stephens, Australia were awestruck by a great white shark encounter that happened right next to their boat. Great white shark encounters are rare but this one was particularly rare as the shark hung around the boat for while, presumably hoping to find an easy meal. Sharks

Fisherman Ties North Dakota Paddlefish Record After Snagging 131-Pound Dinosaur Of A Fish

A North Dakota fisherman tied the state’s paddlefish record after snagging a 131-pounder only two days into ND’s paddlefish season. Paddlefish are one of the most peculiar looking species of fish in North America and anglers chase after them all throughout America’s heartland but fishing for them

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