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RenTech Founder Jim Simons "Urged" CEO Mercer To Resign Over His Support For Breitbart

Last week, the financial world was shaken when billionaire Robert Mercer, co-CEO of RenTec which is arguably the world's most profitable and secretive hedge fund, announced he was quitting on Jan 1, 2018. While the prominent Trump and Bannon supporter did not reveal the reason behind his departure,

Billionaire And Trump Supporter Robert Mercer, Resigns From RenTec, Slams Milo Yiannopoulos

In what may be the biggest news of the morning, Bloomberg and the NYT report that prominent conservative billionaire investor, Trump campaign supporter and patron of Steve Bannon, Robert Mercer, is stepping down as co-chief executive and board member of the world's most profitable and secretive

Robert Mercer, Co-CEO Of Renaissance, Sued By Former Employee Alleging Retaliation Over Trump

Back in February we reported of a striking development taking place at Renaissance, arguably the world's most successful (and according to many, politically connected and powerful) hedge fund, where one of its key employees, David Magerman, "mutinied" against co-CEO Robert Mercer, the man who

Meet The Mercers - The Most Powerful Family You've Never Heard Of

Authored by Alex Thomas via TheAntiMedia.org, History is full of powerful families that have left their mark on the political and economic systems of their age. During the Italian Renaissance, there were the Borgias and Medicis. In the United States, a number of families have realized America is

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