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#Meredith Vieira

"Huge Bag Of Sex Toys": At Least 8 Women Now Accuse Lauer Of Harassment

It’s been just over a day since a shaken Savannah Guthrie informed Today Show viewers that her former co-host Matt Lauer had been fired due to allegations of sexually inappropriate behavior - the latest, and one of the highest-profile casualties in the widening national reckoning with sexual

The 5 Steps to Correctly Washing Your Face

April 29, 2015 @ 1:55 pmBy: Kelsey Glein Washing your face may seem simple, but there’s actually an art to it. InStyle.com Senior Editor Kim Peiffer stopped by The Meredith Vieira show today to talk about the right way to clean your skin—and we’ve got all the details right here. The

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