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#Pet Grooming

Home Pet Grooming Tips For The Do-It-Yourselfer

Pet grooming can be performed by the owner or from a professional who has gone to school to learn the craft. If you are a do-it-your-self type person, there are several safety tips you might want to keep in mind. The animal you are grooming is special to you and you will want to keep the animal

Cats: The Self Groomers

Did you know that cats groom themselves all the time? This means that when you get one for yourself as a pet then you don’t have to invest a lot into their grooming. Maybe this is the reason why cats are such self sufficient creatures. It’s a well-known fact that a cat is a lot less needy than a

Pamper your Feline

Even though cats spend a lot of time licking and cleaning themselves, they still need regular brushing and combing to remove loose hair, prevent matting and keep the skin free of diseases and parasites, such as fleas. Regular grooming     Establish a regular grooming program. Once a week is

Bathing your Kitty

Some cats may actually like to be bathed, though not very often! Bathing may assist in controlling matting and tangling in longhaired cats, and washing with medicated shampoos may be required to treat some skin conditions. Several shampoos are available specifically for cats.

Use a large bucket or

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