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#Running News

Is it time to ‘Ban the Clam’?!

I should start by pointing out that this is a post about the clamshell exercise and not some odd protest against seafood! There’s been recent pressure to ‘Ban the Clam‘ due to concerns that it might aggravate lateral hip pain. Some have said that it’s not ‘functional’ although here’s Ricky Gervais

Terry Radchenko on new beginnings with the University of Guelph Gryphons

Terry Radchenko spent nearly 2 decades coaching with the University of Toronto, helping develop some of Canada’s best middle distance runners. This year he was named the head cross-country coach for the University of Guelph Gryphons, a program with a history of success, but which had been without a

A Better Way to Think About Training – Science of Running

Leibig’s Law of the Minimum states that “growth is dictated not by total resources available, but by the scarcest resource.” In this episode we discuss how to identity your limiting factor and what to do about it. Our limiting factor shifts as you adapt to training.

Marathon season officially open – Irish round-up

Belfast, Galway and London showcased some of the best marathon running this weekend, whilst Irish athlete also starred elsewhere. Lindie Naughton reports. Mick Clohisey of Raheny Shamrock AC and Fionnuala Ross of Armagh AC were the winners of the National Marathon run in conjunction with the

The best slippers for runners: Mahabis review 2021

Mahabis is an award-winning footwear brand known for innovation – creating eco-friendly premium slippers for men and women. As a runner, you not only need comfortable running shoes but also shoes that you can wear outside of running which offer the same comfort and keep you ready for your runs and

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