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#Sons of Anarchy

Sons of Anarchy Favorite Seemingly Murdered in Deadly Mayans M.C. Season 3 Trailer

Sons of Anarchy has been off the air for several years, but the franchise remains alive thanks to its spinoff Mayans M.C. FX dropped the official trailer for the long-delayed Mayans M.C. Season 3 this week, and it left fans of the original series with a lot of questions. The reason?

These Are the Best Shows to Watch Right Now Based on the Shows You Already Love

What should I watch next? It's a question that just keeps getting asked, despite -- or maybe because of -- how many new television shows are constantly being released. With so many options, shouldn't it be easy to find something to watch? Sure, you can scroll through Netflix's home page for hours,

The Best Shows to Watch Right Now Based on the Shows You Already Love

What should I watch next? It's a question that gets asked over and over again despite all the new television shows coming out, a phenomenon that seems counter intuitive. With so many options, shouldn't it be easy to find something to watch? Sure, you can scroll through the home page of Netflix for

The Best Shows to Watch Based on the Shows You Already Love

In any other year, we'd be preparing for the return of our favorite shows and excitedly waiting to see what new shows will catch our eye this fall. But because of the pandemic, many of us are instead scrolling through Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon and seeking out shows that we might have missed, shows

8 Shows Like Sons of Anarchy That You Should Watch If You Like Sons of Anarchy

For seven gasoline-soaked seasons, fans of FX's biker drama Sons of Anarchy followed the violent exploits of the Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club in Charming, California, watching as the bonds of brotherhood were tested and complicated internal politics grew increasingly messy while club VP Jackson

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