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Scary New Study Warns AI Systems Are Teaching Themselves To Deceive And Manipulate Humans

Researchers have issued a shocking warning that AI systems are already capable of deceiving humans using techniques such as manipulation, sycophancy, and cheating, and are learning how to do it better and better. “AI systems are already capable of deceiving humans,” the researchers wrote in a new

Packs Of Wild, Feral Canadian ‘Super Pigs’ Are About To Invade The United States

Are you ready for the great Canadian “super pigs” invasion? Because they’re coming, and they aren’t interested in making friends. According to a new study published in the journal Biological Invasions (yes, that is a real thing), Canada’s wild, feral super pigs have a “high potential” of romping

Edible Gel Lets You Drink Alcohol Without A Hangover, Other Side Effects

Would you like to have a beer or two, or a glass or three of wine, and not suffer the nasty aftereffects of drinking alcohol? Well, researchers at ETH Zurich in Switzerland have developed a new edible gel that they say will reduce blood alcohol levels by up to 50 percent and protect the body from

Simulations Say Creation Of New Supercontinent Will Cause Mass Extinction Event

Earth, it is believed, used to be covered with several supercontinents. Pangaea, made up of Gondwana and Laurasia, at one time was made up of the continents we all know today. Then, about 200 million years ago, the supercontinent began to break apart, creating a very warm climate and extremely

Scientists Find New Evidence That Giant Planet 9 Is Real And Part Of Our Solar System

Since the discovery of Neptune in 1846, scientists have postulated that there is yet another planet, Planet 9, lurking in our solar system. Originally called Planet X (not the Roman numeral 10, but just a a placeholder, and not to be confused with Planet X, the doomsday planet Nibiru), Planet 9 is

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