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A chipping launch monitor analysis and the “4x3x5” method – written by Andrea Zanardelli PGA Teaching Professional. Introduction Chipping has often been considered “the most banal” among golf’s approach shots. Consequently, this part of the game (also known as chip shot, chip and run and bump and

Morning vs Afternoon Numbers – TrackMan Golf

Every week on tour players have different waves or times they can potentially play at. They can get any tee time from 7am to 2pm local time. Temperature can change drastically at each event throughout the day. Tour players will practice at various times

TrackMan Go Corridors – TrackMan Golf

Players on tour are using new features on the TrackMan Go app to get dialed in even more now. Within the TrackMan Go app, you can set given corridors for all parameters. The parameters we’ve seen players using most are club path and face angle. This

Tracking Out of Rough – TrackMan Golf

Playing conditions for professional golfers change week to week and so does their equipment. Whether players are looking to build a hot 3 wood for off the tee or different gapping for their wedge setup, course conditions play a major factor when prepping

TrackMan is in the game

TrackMan will play a key part in EA SPORTS PGA TOUR – A next-gen golf video game set to launch in Spring 2022. TrackMan, the Danish sports data provider that specializes in golf-ball and club tracking, is partnering with EA SPORTS on the upcoming revival of their popular golf video game, EA SPORTS

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