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#dental health

Get Ready To Punch Your Dentist In The Face, Because It Turns Out Flossing Doesn’t Do Shit

This is gonna feel so great. The next time you are at the dentist, and he or she clips the paper towel on you, and lowers down your chair, then asks you to open wide, right when they hover over your mouth, ball up your fist and pop him or her right in the fucking face. BAM. BAM. Two shots. Right

PetSafe indigo Dental Chews

It's Dog Or Nothing - Living Large. Living Fluffy. I’m a serious slacker when it comes to brushing the fluffies’ teeth. I know how important oral health is and that most dogs have significant tartar build up by the age of three. I’m still working on making brushing a part

3 Easy (And Cheap!) Ways to Improve Your Dental Health

If you’re anything like me, you probably feel like you could do more to improve your dental health. Sure, I go to the dentist twice annually for hygiene treatments, and I brush and floss fairly religiously. But oral health is important to prioritize, especially for those of us who want to keep our

10 Steps to Brushing Your Dog's Teeth

Dental health is important for your dog. Supplies: A nylon-bristle children's toothbrush, rubber finger brush, washcloth or piece of gauze may be used. Pet toothpaste comes in several flavors. Ask your veterinarian if your dog needs one with special abrasives or extra enzymes. Position yourself

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