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Hamster telegram – купить ключ – IRONGAMERS – торговая площадка игр https://irongamers.ru/sale/search?query=Hamst...

Hamster telegram – купить ключ – IRONGAMERS – торговая площадка игр https://irongamers.ru/sale/search?query=Hamster #hamster #telegram

Austrian Photographer Masterfully Captures Wildlife And The Result Is Both Funny And Cute

Julian Rad, a wildlife photographer from Austria, shows the most lovable wildlife shots of squirrels, hamsters, and foxes that you’ve probably ever seen. I recently came across his work on Instagram and I instantly fell in love with his adorable, funny images. Back in 2015, he won the renowned

Japanese Artist Depicts The Typical Life Of His Pet Hamster, And The Result Is Adorable

Japanese artist and art university graduate Gotte have turned their creative skills towards a very creative subject. Their light-hearted watercolor pictures depict a typical day in their beloved pet’s life – a hamster named Sukeroku. What’s most charming about these works is the main character

An Oral History of the Hampsterdance

Author: Miss Cellania / Source: Neatorama Twenty years ago, we didn’t even have a term for “viral” or even “meme.” But hampsterdance was both, and more than that. You couldn’t go online without encountering the pixelated hamsters dancing to Roger Miller singing in double time. The story of how

Hamster Stuck in a Tiny Pipe for Almost a Week is Rescued Thanks to a Miniature Handmade Ladder

Source: Good News Network A pet hamster stuck in a tiny pipe for almost a week finally managed to escape thanks to a miniature handmade ladder built by an RSPCA officer. Jamie the hamster was being looked after by a friend of his owner when he managed to get trapped down a 10cm-wide water pipes.

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