На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)

#htc vive

«Нет никакого упадка»: интервью с создателем World of Tanks

Помните, как 20 лет назад мир сходил с ума по виртуальной реальности? Казалось, ещё чуть-чуть — и будущее, предсказанное фантастами, станет явью. Но в 90-е подобные устройства были слишком громоздкими и дорогими, а потому отправились на свалку истории. Однако теперь технология возвращается. И World

The Brand New HTC Vive Pro, and 8 Other Great Weekend Deals

Author: Wired Staff / Source: WIRED If we keep talking about it, that’s because we’re excited: This week, the HTC Vive Pro headset is out! For a cool $800, you too can roam around an enormous VR display that is a mindboggling 10 x 10 meters wide, enjoying your integrated headphones, clearer

It could be the biggest change to movies since sound. If anyone will pay for it.

Author: Steven Zeitchik / Source: Washington Post A customer wears a HTC Vive virtual-reality (VR) headset during a green-screen experience at Toronto’s House of VR. Despite Hollywood funding and top industry talent, cinematic VR has yet to yield commercial success or popular acceptance. (James

How Is The HTC Vive Pro Better Than The Original Vive?

Author: Michael Crider / Source: howtogeek.com We finally know when HTC’s new-and-improved Vive Pro VR headset is coming, and for how much. But what makes it better than the original Vive that debuted two years ago? Let’s break it down. Higher Price First, some very good news: the Vive Pro isn’t

Bethesda will bring PSVR chart-topper Skyrim VR to SteamVR PCs on April 3

Author: Jeremy Horwitz / Source: VentureBeat The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR took PlayStation VR gamers by storm when it was released late last year, dominating PSVR sales charts and helping Sony to boost its headset sales. Today, Bethesda announced that it’s bringing the popular first-person RPG

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