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Scientists Created A Chimeric Monkey That Glows Fluorescent Green

Scientists have done it again. They went and did something just because they could, arguably rather than because they should. They created a chimeric monkey using stem cells and it was born with fluorescent green fingers and eyes. Totally normal science stuff. Shocker… it happened in China, again.

Dozens Injured As City In Japan Is Under Siege By Gang Of Monkeys, Attacking People In Their Homes

pixabay At least 58 people have been injured by a gang of monkeys that has been attacking people in the southwestern Japanese city of Yamaguchi over the last few weeks. The monkeys, Japanese macaques or snow monkeys, have become so troublesome that Yamaguchi city hall hired a special unit to

Elon Musk’s Neuralink Brain Chip Company Accused Of Torturing And Killing Monkeys In Trials

Getty Image Elon Musk’s Neuralink company is under fire for testing its brain chip technology on monkeys. Reportedly, 15 of the 23 monkeys used in the experiment died and had to endure “extreme suffering.” Read more news about Elon Musk here. Elon Musk, the man who believes we will all be

Monkeys Go On Rampage, Killing Over 200 Dogs In What Locals Say Are ‘Revenge’ Attacks

Getty Image According to forest department officials in India, up to 250 dogs have been killed by monkeys in a very unusual manner. Locals claim that the monkey are killing the canines in revenge for a monkey cub that was allegedly killed by a dog. Read more news about animals here. Do you

Sex-Crazed Monkey Gangs Are Brawling In The Streets Of Thailand As Turf Wars Break Out Between City And Country

Getty Image Eating edibles the first time you get high is a bad idea. Tyler Cameron learned that the hard way and thought he blew his chance at being on The Bachelor. Click HERE for more celebrity news! As COVID-19 continues to keep tourists out of foreign countries, the effects extend beyond

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