На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)


Снегопады в Канаде: гигантские сугробы и другие чудеса показывают в Сети

Восток Канады тонет в сугробах, но это ничуть не расстраивает местных жителей, привычных к снегу. Снегопады на острове Ньюфаундленд и материковой Канаде стали столь обильными, что населенные пункты оказались завалены слоем снега, местами достигающего до 3 метров в высоту. Выпало 76,2 см осадков,

Jason Momoa announces 'Frontier' Season 3 in Instagram video

Dec. 15 (UPI) -- Netflix confirmed it has ordered a third season of Frontier, its drama about the 18th century, North American fur trade. Six, fresh episodes are expected to be available for streaming in 2018. Created by Rob and Peter Blackie, the series casts Justice League and Game of Thrones

This Woman Asked Her Mom For Recipe, Regretted It Immediately

Recipes. Useful things aren’t they? Exact measures and ingredients give a consistent result, often based on years of experience for the tastiest possible dish. Try telling that to this Newfoundland mom. She knows that consistency is overrated, she prefers the old fashioned methods, passed down

10+ Dogs Who Don’t Understand How BIG They Are And Think They’re Lap Dogs (Add Yours)

My Mom’s Big Baby source He Decided That He Identifies As A Lap Dog source The Best Lap Dog source This Is Lincoln, He’s Bigger Than My Wife source My Parents Have 3 Great Danes That All Love Sit On My Dad’s Lap And Often Fight Over It. This Is The Only Time They’ll Ever Do This

#FluffiesGoneFamous | 2

It's Dog or Nothing - Living Large. Living Fluffy Welcome back to our new series, Fluffies Gone Famous! If you missed the announcement, you can head here to learn how your dog can be featured on It’s Dog or Nothing. Make sure to use the appropriate hashtag, “#fluffiesgonefamous” or I will miss

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