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Diver Battles Octopus After It Stole A GoPro And Didn’t Want To Give It Up

Octopuses, or octopi if you’d prefer, are amongst the most fascinating creatures on planet earth. They have 3 hearts, blue blood, they’re master escape artists, brilliant creatures who don’t possess any bones, and they have been around for hundreds of millions of years. Curious by nature, it is

Group Of Scientists Claim Octopuses Came To Earth As Aliens Riding On A Comet

I’ve always believed that octopuses are some of the most peculiar creatures on planet earth. They’re capable of escaping tiny spaces, crawling on land, changing colors and disguising themselves in an instant. They possess a collection of traits unlike anything we see in other species and for that

Here Are This Year's Best Animal Mothers

Mother's Day might be on Sunday, but The Dodo celebrates mothers year-round. Here are seven of our favorite mother-themed stories from the past year. Whether furry or feathered, these moms all went the extra mile for their babies. The cow who hid her baby from rescuers Rescued from life as a dairy

A Giant Octopus Escaping From The Seattle Aquarium

Hold your children tight, folks. This is pretty creepy. The Seattle Aquarium has a giant octopus on display. Here’s what happened when, on an ordinary day, the giant sea monster decided it was time to break free: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BIGG3m-8ZMQ Everything

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