На информационном ресурсе применяются рекомендательные технологии (информационные технологии предоставления информации на основе сбора, систематизации и анализа сведений, относящихся к предпочтениям пользователей сети "Интернет", находящихся на территории Российской Федерации)


Over 50% Of The Restaurants In America On Yelp At The Start Of March Have Permanently Closed Since Then

Three days ago, I chowed down inside a restaurant for the first time since March. I was able to do this because I drove to Alabama to visit family and it seems people in Alabama are not even slightly concerned about COVID-19. As I looked around the restaurant, everyone I saw was scarfing down

The Real Stars of the Internet

Author: John Herrman / Source: New York Times Illustration by The New York Times I’ve been to the bagel place down the street from my apartment maybe a hundred times. The staff is friendly. I like the food. They’re always open. Lots of people have their own opinions about it. Googling “Smith

Пользователи Yelp назвали 100 лучших ресторанов США, где нужно обязательно побывать

Вам надоели привычные рестораны, кафе и бары и хочется чего-то новенького? Тогда вот 100 лучших мест, где можно перекусить в США, по мнению пользователей Yelp. В Yelp люди обмениваются мнениями обо всех местах, где побывали, отмечая плюсы и минусы заведений. Только за прошедший год на сайте

Yelp Can’t Be Ordered to Remove Negative Posts, California Court Rules

Author: Claire Ballentine / Source: New York Times The California Supreme Court ruled on Monday that Yelp, the local search and reviews site, did not need to remove negative comments posted by a user, in a case closely watched by the industry for its implications for online free speech. In a

Woman Wrote A Negative Yelp Review About Her Gynecologist And He Sued Her For $1 Million

When you have a bad experience at a restaurant or barber or hotel many people voice their frustrations on Facebook, Twitter, or Yelp. But before you hit “SEND” on that one-star complaint about your Chicken Crispers from Chili’s being slightly cold, you might want to read this story about a woman

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