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67 подписчиков

Here Are All the (Wrong) Reasons Why You’re Still Single

Here Are All the (Wrong) Reasons Why You’re Still Single

When a friend recommended I read It’s Not You: 27 (Wrong) Reasons Why You’re Single, I immediately snagged myself a copy.

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Zoltan Brenner
it's probably best not to give unsolicited advice most of the time. People usually don't appreciate it..... or folllow it haha. I think we should all refrain from telling single people advice, even if it would be spot on, because it can be misinterpreted and hurt people's feelings.
You are your own person and you are happy with yourself. You know the insecure woman, the one who seems desperate for attention. That is not very helpful in attracting a man. Being happy- much more attractive. Anyway, I think that is a very true thing.
Betty Norton
Everything is good in its season. If in 30 years you had not yet found a permanent partner to you, it is not needed.

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