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12 подписчиков

When This Man Heard the News About Nepal, He Became a Mouthpiece For a Bleeding Nation

When This Man Heard the News About Nepal, He Became a Mouthpiece For a Bleeding Nation

By Jack Day Upon hearing the news on April 25, 2015 that a 7.8 magnitude earthquake had devastated the country of Nepal, Levon James Budding felt it his duty to return to the place he once called home.

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i wish i had the money to buy a ticket to nepal- 1) because i want to help out and 2) because ive always fantastized about visiting that part of the world....im glad there are volunteers there who are trying to help...every little bit counts.
Owen Stone
If these people were left alone to be self deterministic they wouldn't need this guy to come and be their mouthpiece.

Картина дня
