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Shayne Blogs

10 подписчиков

For Friends In New Places (A Short Blurb)

For Friends In New Places (A Short Blurb)

At this time, there are a number of people in my life saying goodbye to something they've known or have held important for a really long time.

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Anna K
Oh my gosh, I just got all teary-eyed. I am going through some huge, unwanted changes in my life after a breakup, and I really appreciated reading this message. I'm trying to hold things together and find happiness in a new city in a new town, and it is just very difficult. Thanks for the vote of confidence!
Anna K
I meant to say a new apartment in a new town - oops!
Owen Stone
these are really cool pictures, i wonder how many filters or touch ups? If not any, these are really cool.

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