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Ukraine leader says Russian forces are in the country as key town falls

Ukraine leader says Russian forces are in the country as key town falls

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said on Thursday that Russian forces and entered his country and the military conflict was worsening after Russian-backed separatists swept into a key town in the east and threatened other areas.

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Henry Plant
ISIS is fighting a conventional war. Collateral damage be damned. Ukraine ought to dig up “Bomber Harris” and have him conduct the war. And Putin should talk as is idle, Pappa Joe killed 30 -60 million of his own people and no one had a problem with that.
Rick Westly
The U.S. ambassador to Kiev, Geoffrey Pyatt, said in Tweet: “Russian supplied tanks, armoured vehicles, artillery and multiple rocket launchers have been insufficient to defeat Ukraine’ armed forces. So now an increasing number of Russian troops are intervening directly in fighting on Ukrainian territory. Pyatt simply cannot accept his hostile take-over is in v.big trouble! The U.S. backed junta has failed to beat with its forces of over 50,000 a small force of eastern Slav’s,(10-15 thousand partisans) and the embarrassment must be nearly equal only to the U.S. backed Iraq army folding against ISIS, to U.S. global prestige

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