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Family Psychology

62 подписчика

Attempt at a Christmas Tradition

Attempt at a Christmas Tradition

    Sunday marked two and a half years without Ian.The first year, I decided to mark the date with a visit to a iconic local Christmas light display - do something nice with John on the day that we'd done with Ian.

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John Ellis
Last Christmas was too exhausting for me due to many perturbing events as social as personal. But this year I've decided that making your mood by yourself is the best tradition! Listen to Xmas music, shopping, preparing Xmas tree))) It's great!
Charles King
Christmas traditions are always connected with families, parents etc. But I see that my tradition is not connected with them. For those days I try to sleep more & eat less. This is like a diet for me)))
Kenneth Murphy
this is sad story! But I believe that miracles happen at Xmas :-)

Картина дня
